Monday, March 17, 2008

Researching Creative Thinking in Music

One of the great joys of teaching in a college music program that is aimed at preparing music teachers is that you have a chance to influence new teachers every year। This quarter (Spring of 2008) I will teach my "Creative Thinking in Music" course to graduate students. I will once again dip into the research on this topic both in and outside of music and encourage discussion on how the literature can effect our practice। There are times when I wonder it it is worth the trouble because traditional ways of teaching music seem so ingrained। But I keep hacking away at this topic and hope that new ways of engaging others about music will prevail.

One of the interesting topics I will cover is the difference (or maybe no difference) between teaching creatively and teaching about creative thinking in music. In other words, how one models in practice that which one is talking about for content. I shall develop this topic and others in this blog space. I hope you will join in the discussion!